Volunteer Opportunities

Become a Tutor

The TLC conducts an average of 2 tutor-training workshops each year. More than 1,000 people have completed the TLC tutor-training workshop since 1967. All volunteer tutors are required to complete 14 hours of workshop training before they become certified to teach the Laubach method in order to meet standards set by our parent organization, ProLiteracy America. Tutors also have access to trainers who can mentor them, answer questions, and help with problems they encounter. Tutors meet with students in various locations for tutoring. They use the public library, the Washburn University library, churches, tutoring rooms at the TLC office, and other suitable locations offering privacy.

Each potential tutor wishing to take the tutor-training workshop is required to pay a minimum fee ($25 at present). This fee helps to cover the cost of materials provided during the workshop and also provides the tutor with a one-year membership ($10 at present) in the TLC. Tutors can check out books and other material from the TLC library for unlimited time periods.

Click here for a Tutor Job Description.

Become a Trainer for future Tutors

A prospective Tutor Trainer must first complete the 14-hour workshop to become a certified tutor. Then the prospective Tutor Trainer is trained through apprenticeship until they are fully trained on all aspects of a workshop. They then can apply to ProLiteracy through an on-line process to be fully certified as a ProLiteracy Tutor Trainer.

Serve on the Board of Directors (a 501(c)(3) organization)

Help at the TLC Office.

  • Answer phones, help with newsletter, other office tasks.

Serve on various committees to assist with Community Outreach, Fundraising, and recruiting